Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG)
Billion’s of people around the world lack safe drinking water whilst only 1% of the water available is drinkable.
There is more fresh water in the atmosphere than in all the rivers on the planet combined. AWG (Atmospheric Water Generator) Technology is a break-through solution to ease drinking water shortage and accessibility.
South Africa is a water stressed country and we do not have access to large rivers or perennial rainfall like in other parts of Africa or the world.
The concept behind the AWG machines is to produce pure drinking water from the atmosphere surrounding the earth. Humidity from the air is captured by the AWG unit and converted into pure healthy drinking water.
Who we are
Off-The-Grid Services (OTGS) is a South African company which focuses on the design and distribution of Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) equipment. We also focus on sustainable sanitation solutions.
All major components, except the compressor, are locally manufactured in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Final assembly is undertaken at premises in Kyalami, Johannesburg and Paarden Eiland, Cape Town

What we offer

Commercial Buildings
Cirrus water can be created on the roof of commercial buildings, then piped through the buildings to designated areas with chilled dispensers, coffee machines, water heating urns and kettles.

Remote Businesses
Access to drinking water is difficult, often requiring expensive transport of bottled water to the environment by helicopter. Water can be created on-site, then piped through the site to drinking water dispensers.

Disadvantaged Communities
Remote communities that have no municipal supply of water.
Over-populated suburban communities that have inadequate water supplies from both capacity and quality perspectives.